I decided to see if I could use JPype to read the sequence files directly from Python. This turned out to be quite easy so I decided to post some helpful instruction on how to do it.
JPython wasn't an option for me, because (to the best of my knowledge) JPython doesn't work with Python extensions numpy, matplotlib, or h5py which I rely on heavily.
The instructions below explain how to setup a python script to read and write the output of Mahout clustering.
You will first need to download and install the JPype package for python.
The first step to setting up JPype is determining the path to the dynamic library for the jvm ; on linux this will be a .so file on and on windows it will be a .dll.
In your python script, create a global variable with the path to this dll
Next we need to figure out how we need to set the classpath for mahout. The easiest way to do this is to edit the script in "bin/mahout" to print out the classpath. Add the line "echo $CLASSPATH" to the script somewhere after the comment "run it" (this is line 195 or so). Execute the script to print out the classpath. Copy this output and paste it into a variable in your python script. The result for me looks like the following
Now we can create a function to start the jvm in python using jype
from jpype import * jvm=None def start_jpype(): global jvm if (jvm is None): cpopt="-Djava.class.path={cp}".format(cp=classpath) startJVM(jvmlib,"-ea",cpopt) jvm="started"
We can now use JPype to create sequence files which will contain vectors to be used by Mahout for kmeans. The example below is a function which creates vectors from two Gaussian distributions with unit variance.
def create_inputs(ifile,*args,**param): """Create a sequence file containing some normally distributed ifile - path to the sequence file to create """ #matrix of the cluster means cmeans=np.array([[1,1],[-1,-1]],np.int) nperc=30 #number of points per cluster vecs=[] vnames=[] for cind in range(cmeans.shape[0]): pts=np.random.randn(nperc,2) pts=pts+cmeans[cind,:].reshape([1,cmeans.shape[1]]) vecs.append(pts) #names for the vectors #names are just the points with an index #we do this so we can validate by cross-refencing the name with the vector vn=np.empty(nperc,dtype=(np.str,30)) for row in range(nperc): vn[row]="c"+str(cind)+"_"+pts[row,0].astype((np.str,4))+"_"+pts[row,1].astype((np.str,4)) vnames.append(vn) vecs=np.vstack(vecs) vnames=np.hstack(vnames) #start the jvm start_jpype() #create the sequence file that we will write to io=JPackage("org").apache.hadoop.io FileSystemCls=JPackage("org").apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem PathCls=JPackage("org").apache.hadoop.fs.Path path=PathCls(ifile) ConfCls=JPackage("org").apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf=ConfCls() fs=FileSystemCls.get(conf) #vector classes VectorWritableCls=JPackage("org").apache.mahout.math.VectorWritable DenseVectorCls=JPackage("org").apache.mahout.math.DenseVector NamedVectorCls=JPackage("org").apache.mahout.math.NamedVector writer=io.SequenceFile.createWriter(fs, conf, path, io.Text,VectorWritableCls) vecwritable=VectorWritableCls() for row in range(vecs.shape[0]): nvector=NamedVectorCls(DenseVectorCls(JArray(JDouble,1)(vecs[row,:])),vnames[row]) #need to wrap key and value because of overloading wrapkey=JObject(io.Text("key "+str(row)),io.Writable) wrapval=JObject(vecwritable,io.Writable) vecwritable.set(nvector) writer.append(wrapkey,wrapval) writer.close()
Similarly we can use JPype to easily read the clustered points outputted by mahout.
def read_clustered_pts(ifile,*args,**param): """Read the clustered points ifile - path to the sequence file containing the clustered points """ #start the jvm start_jpype() #create the sequence file that we will write to io=JPackage("org").apache.hadoop.io FileSystemCls=JPackage("org").apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem PathCls=JPackage("org").apache.hadoop.fs.Path path=PathCls(ifile) ConfCls=JPackage("org").apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf=ConfCls() fs=FileSystemCls.get(conf) #vector classes VectorWritableCls=JPackage("org").apache.mahout.math.VectorWritable NamedVectorCls=JPackage("org").apache.mahout.math.NamedVector ReaderCls=io.__getattribute__("SequenceFile$Reader") reader=ReaderCls(fs, path,conf) key=reader.getKeyClass()() valcls=reader.getValueClass() vecwritable=valcls() while (reader.next(key,vecwritable)): weight=vecwritable.getWeight() nvec=vecwritable.getVector() cname=nvec.__class__.__name__ if (cname.rsplit('.',1)[1]=="NamedVector"): print "cluster={key} Name={name} x={x} y={y}".format(key=key.toString(),name=nvec.getName(),x=nvec.get(0),y=nvec.get(1)) else: raise NotImplementedError("Vector isn't a NamedVector. Need to modify/test the code to handle this case.")
Finally we can create a function to print out the actual cluster centers found by mahout,
def getClusters(ifile,*args,**param): """Read the centroids from the clusters outputted by kmenas ifile - Path to the sequence file containing the centroids """ #start the jvm start_jpype() #create the sequence file that we will write to io=JPackage("org").apache.hadoop.io FileSystemCls=JPackage("org").apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem PathCls=JPackage("org").apache.hadoop.fs.Path path=PathCls(ifile) ConfCls=JPackage("org").apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration conf=ConfCls() fs=FileSystemCls.get(conf) #vector classes VectorWritableCls=JPackage("org").apache.mahout.math.VectorWritable NamedVectorCls=JPackage("org").apache.mahout.math.NamedVector ReaderCls=io.__getattribute__("SequenceFile$Reader") reader=ReaderCls(fs, path,conf) key=io.Text() valcls=reader.getValueClass() vecwritable=valcls() while (reader.next(key,vecwritable)): center=vecwritable.getCenter() print "id={cid} center={center}".format(cid=vecwritable.getId(),center=center.values) pass